The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Bomble assumes the position

Since being promoted to Steve's assistant deputy print advisor, Bomble's behaviour has altered. Clearly on this occasion he felt that the table had been cleaned for his sole benefit.

I'm now back in the eyrie above Nailsworth, house-sitting. In a minute I'll make a start on cooking the supper, which is also part of my job description.

Big day tomorrow: we each have a stall to sell cards at a flower arrangers' fair at a rather grand school in the Cotswolds (it's school holidays, so the building is rented out). My niece went there for an ill-,started term in the noughties, so I'm not intimidated by the setting, but have no idea what to expect of this type of event. Mad rushes, perhaps? Complete sell- out? Hope so.

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