For the Tiny Tuesday Challenge with the theme: magical.
Huge thanks to dfb24 for hosting this month.
Again a splendid day. Cold in the morning, but with all day sunshine.
In the afternoon we walked down the hill, visited the sheep, sat on benches to have a look around, and let the beautiful surroundings enchant us.
As the day proceeded it became warm and warmer.
We watched the news on the fire on the Notre Dame, and were deeply chocked and bewildered. How many times, even it is now decades ago, did we walk along the Seine, entered the cathedral as often as we could.
This event evokes so many memories, so many emotions. 
And how long will it take before the splendor of the church will be restored?

I will give tonight my first silly hearts to nangee, AH14, isbi, maya4040, and Torag.

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