Puffin Island

Well we heard some rumbling around at 9.30pm last night and found James hiding under the bedside table in Nathaniel’s room. He was fully dressed, and said he was ready for the puffin island. Yet again I led him up to his bed. Nathaniel told me I had better put the lids back on the paint pots which luckily hadn’t made it into his bed. He didn’t tell on James but we knew it was him. Also the bathroom door key has disappeared.

They were up at 6.45 despite it being after 10 when James finally went to sleep. However they were cooperative and had breakfast and got dressed so that we could leave at 8.30 as planned.

It was foggy when we left but the sun had broken through by the time we got to Seahouses. It was still quiet so we got parked in the near car park. The mean National Trust woman charged for Nathaniel as he is 5, despite the fact his parents have a family card. The boat itself cost £66 for the 4 of us. We were out of the harbour by 10. At first the boys were very cheery but as the swell increased when we headed for the Outer Farnes to see the seals, and Longstone Lighthouse, where Grace Darling lived, Nathaniel became increasingly pale and quiet. He lay down with his head in my lap and said he didn’t feel well. poor little boy. Luckily he was not sick and we had over an hour on Inner Farne to walk around to look at the birds

They are not sure of numbers yet for this year, but puffins look good, though razorbills are down. We didn’t see any or any kittiwakes either. Maybe it is early. Lots of puffins were hanging around waiting for a mate, some were fading into burrows to inspect the etchings, and shags were already sitting on nests.

An added bonus for the boys was that it got really rough on the way back so they got splashed by waves and shrieked in delight, not noticing the poor guy being sick over the stern. The boat is really small and close to the water. It was only 20 minutes back so Nathaniel was ok. Dolphins were sighted and they just saw the fins. I was lucky enough to see one rising up.

They were up for fish and chips when we got back. Nathaniel ate all his which was surprising as usually he doesn’t eat much. James ate little and threw them on the car floor. There was a battle of wills when we got back to his house. Nathaniel and Grangran went in to see the others, but James and I stayed in the car, waiting till he picked up all his food and put it in the rubbish bag. It took a while till he complied, and he told me I was a meanie, then we made friends and went inside. Thomas and Ella had been to a fair and had candy floss.

Mr C and and I came home to put our feet up, after we stopped at Sainsbury’s to get some Tanquery.

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