
By lauramary

Good Friday

And it was quite a good Friday comparatively. Well, it feels like it was but if I analyse it, maybe not...

I think I was quite stressed about what I needed to do this morning and after walking into church, I walked right out because I was anxious about not having anyone to sit with. I’m not too sure whether I could have tried harder, but there we go.

I felt sorry for myself what with it being warm and me dreading summer. But I got home and did a load of cleaning before spending the afternoon with Helen, playing games.

In the evening we went to Bibs’ to read Mark’s Gospel aloud. It was a good thing to do. Amazing that Jesus allowed himself to be crucified so that we might be saved if we put our trust in Him.

Today’s verse (Psalm 91:2) is also very encouraging. ‘I will say of the Lord, ‘he is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust’.’ He makes me safe in him. It only makes sense to trust Him.

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