
When I tried to blip a happy Easter blip with T. the monitor of my camera felt down. Some weeks ago I had a crash with it, but it still worked until today. 
There is no way to get the monitor fixed again. Even my Hanullis tried it. No chance! So I'll have to send it to the workshop for a repair. That's a bad timing, because we will leave on Tuesday for a holiday in the Netherlands for the blooming fields of tulips. That's something I wanted to do for ages. And now: without camera. Excellent!

To get out of my frustration and after a day of householding on a wonderful day while the rest of the family (except T. and Omo) was on a trip, I tried to finish my photo table. I sawed it late night yesterday, cleared the edges and discovered, that I had forgotten to saw two of the main planks. 23:30 pm was too late for the neighborhood for sawing noise in the garage. No time for the table tomorrow.
There are better days....
1:15 am now, I still have to search for recepts for Easter dinner and didn't comment. Sorry blipmates!

Reminder for the Tiny People Challenge TiPS.
Have a look here for the entries in April so far to get an idea.
The tag for April is TiPS32.
You can make as many entries as you like. I'm looking forward to many creative entries of the adventures of all sorts of tiny figures. Have fun!

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