
By Veronica


Actually it's a lemon meringue pie. Something I haven't made for years, but S had bought some pâte sablée that was languishing in the fridge and we had the last Spanish mega lemon that needed using. So dinner was a rather makeshift affair of the remains of the spiced rack of lamb I cooked yesterday plus lashings of lemon meringue ... we'd been out to the cinema, so it was well after 9 pm before even this modest effort made it to the table. Sorry -- only photo I took today.

The film was a Chinese one by Zhangke Jia, Ash is Purest White. We were slightly nonplussed by it, and it was about 45 minutes longer than it should have been, but it was an interesting glimpse of modern China, and lead actress/director's wife Tao Zhao was excellent.

Bird life: the day started with Mystère going out for ten minutes and me then discovering him chowing down on a sparrow on the doormat. Later, as I was sitting with my back to the window, a bird's squawk and Mystère's sudden arousal from sleep to 100% dilated-pupil focus caused me to whip round and very briefly spot a hoopoe on the kitchen windowsill. It swooped off long before I could think about a camera. It would be very cool if it decided to nest in the pigeon niche above the window (they like nooks in walls and cliffs, apparently), but I don't suppose it will.

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