Mono with green

This is black and white with the green turned on. 

On the one hand, I completely forgot to attend either of my two meetings today. 

On the other hand, I get to hire as a consultant a woman who has been working for our company for nine years and is going to lose her job because the President decided he didn't want to provide assistance to Honduras anymore. I'm thrilled. Her VP is thrilled. She has exactly the right experience for the project I want her help with and if we can provide her with consulting work we will hopefully get to keep her until we can find more full-time work for her. I might even get to bring her to Zambia with me. AND the man I am mentoring will go AND my buddy from recruitment will go. This is, for my company, a very large group, practically a party. 

I am hoping that we will have enough time that I can take some days off and go enjoy Victoria Falls. I never imagined getting to do that, but you know, if someone is paying your airfare, things become possible. 

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