Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

On The Pulse

Rest assured, there will be no Endgame spoilers here, I shall only say this; I absolutely effin' loved it.

Given the fact that we didn't get home til gone 4am due to a lack of taxis and that I couldn't sleep straight away because I was so jazzed from the movie, I feel super chipper today! I think it's residual movie excitement combined with the fact that I finally got paid properly for the first time in months. As such, I roped Rich and Phil into recording an Avengers review podcast (literally the first time I've ever been so on time with a review!) It's out already, because I've decided to stop being quite so perfectionist-y with my editing to give myself a bit of a break. 

The rest of today has been a super lazy one. Delightful.

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