By MstrWWR

Family Meal Out

Twas torn between blipping a photograph of a really cool bookstore or this. In the end... had to go with the wooden lights, as the design is just amazing. Popping flowers! :)

Eitherway... Two days left, before heading back to university... Honestly anxious about heading back, being up here I've finally felt relaxed. It's been nice.

Spent most of today attempting to look for crabs and occean see life out in St. Andrews beach. Very pretty landscape, saw a lot of massive black-tipped seagulls (they made Albatrosses look small) - quite scary but cute.

Eventually the cold set in so we grabbed a tea and found a really lovely bookshop in St. Andrews. They had quite a few mistery books displayed on the wall, wrapped in newspaper with intriguing descriptions... (designed to give books/authors a chance, that you wouldn't otherwise notice or known of) - which is quite nice, so just couldn't resist.... :)

Finishing of the day: went to a lovely Japanese restaurant in Dundee. The food was utterly amazing (best ramen noodles I've ever had), and the decorations such as these lights were just so lovely.

All in all it's been a good day. Can't wait to open the book and have a read. But for now: I'm having a food-induced coma. Time for sleep :)

Dobranoc everybody! See yah Friday!

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