Wall Pennywort

A wild day - Hannah has arrived. A quick break in the rain this afternoon and I ventured out around the circuit - jet propelled heading east, battling coming home to the west. The wall pennyworts are just coming out. Curious plants that can find a home anywhere and send out candles of clustered white flowers. This is what Culpeper had to say about it:

The juice or the distilled water being drank, is very effectual for all inflammations and unnatural heats, to cool a fainting hot stomach, a hot liver, or the bowels: the herb, juice, or distilled water thereof, outwardly applied, heals pimples, St. Anthony's fire, and other outward heats. The said juice or water helps to heal sore kidneys, torn or fretted by the stone, or exulcerated within; it also provokes urine, is available for the dropsy, and helps to break the stone. Being used as a bath, or made into an ointment, it cools the painful piles or hæmorrhoidal veins. It is no less effectual to give ease to the pains of the gout, the sciatica, and helps the kernels or knots in the neck or throat, called the king's evil: healing kibes and chilblains if they be bathed with the juice, or anointed with ointment made thereof, and some of the skin of the leaf upon them: it is also used in green wounds to stay the blood, and to heal them quickly.
Very useful, Also called navelwort as the leaves have little tummybuttonish dents in them.
Himself went into Cork city to get some new car keys for I could not find mine on returning from New Zealand.  If your remember I thought I had mislaid them once before before when poor old Ada cat was buried. This time I suspect I have put them somewhere safe but goodness knows where that is. The new ones cost a fortune - cue for the old ones to turn up. 

It's perishing - the fire is lit and the heating is going on!

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