One click at a time

By KeithKnight

Advent Calendar - End of the World/Decoration

Day 21 of anuk's Advent Calendar - End of the World / Christmas decoration

I have backblipped the last few days due to lack of internet while I was in Snowdonia. I did, however, manage to grab a quick connection on my mobile phone while out to get the theme for the challenge.

Please also look at
Day 18 - Acting Like an Elf.

Day 19 - Blessed (as holy, divine or untouchable).

Day 20 - Star.

I came home today, having a pleasant drive down through Mid-Wales before heading off back into England and home.

If you can read this then the Mayan prophesy didn't come true (but then the bible says that no man knows the day or the hour, so from that you can say any prediction of an actual date is not going to come true!). I have managed to combine the two together (I hope), a green bauble from my tree and a bit of smoke coming out of the burning remains.

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