Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Dressing the Tree (Day Three)

Yes, another very grey and wet day here with no sign of the sun at all.

I finished decorating the tree. It is bedecked with toys from the 1940s onwards. My Uncle Bill and Auntie Lillian emigrated to New Zealand in 1948. They gave their little artificial tree to my parents who were newly married. That was the tree I knew all through my childhood. Eventually the tree disintegrated but many of the toys remain and bring back waves of nostalgia every year.

These bells have had a new gold ribbon but, as you can see, are struggling to maintain their appearance. They still tinkle beautifully and I always give them a prominent place on the tree.

If the weather is unchanged you may see more tomorrow!

Finished making a special present tonight. Very please with the result (can't say more because the recipient follows my blips!)

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