The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Painting back to happiness?

I've been under pressure lately, but at the same I'm aware that I have high blood pressure. This is not good. In fact I wondered if the machine was wrong the last time I took my BP. Something is out of whack.

The long and short of it was that recently I found a book about the benefit of painting, that I'd had for years, and I ordered some cheap kids' paints and paper online. Once I'd done the ten thousand other things I had to do today, I got the music going and the paint flowing. After a few attempts I realised I didn't even want brushes- too far away. So I found a sponge and got busy.

I think it helped when the phone calls and messages started coming through. I had more mental space. Painting is cheaper than becoming a drunk, and possibly more fun. Right back to the 80s with all this sponging! Walls next? Who knows?

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