
By Beewriter

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Apparently, the first Sunday in May is World Laughter Day. Pat and I often laugh until we can barely breathe so she had to join me on a blip. It was started about twenty years ago in India by the founder of the worldwide Laughter Yoga Movement....what a side splitting, smile starting, rip roaring, giggle busting, gloriously guffawing movement. There is nothing like sharing a good old belly laugh over the smallest of things with a good friend or two.

I’ve sawn the old kitchen door up...oh my aching arm...and had another tip trip. All these tip trips are very cathartic. I’ve had a cuppa in Monton with Sian and a jolly good catch up and now I’m going to sit with my book for a bit....VOX by Christina Dalcher.

World Laughter Day today, World Naked Gardening Day yesterday...what will tomorrow bring??

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