Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Tired out!

More housework and spring cleaning. But not by me... JR isn’t slowing down yet.

Annemique came and collected Archie. What a carry-on out on the path, where he just about knocks her over in his rush, crying all the while. I’m sure the neighbours think he's being tortured. They were away all day, Blackford Hill, Hermitage, cafe, home - Annemique did more than 14,000 steps, so Archie must have done at least twice that. He certainly couldn’t wait to hop up into her lap and snooze during her coffee visit. We caught up with all her news - a new job, very exciting!

I've been very lazy of late, and quite reluctant to leave my sofa and go for an outing, unless it involves lunch. I'm just counting the sleeps till I go and see the Knee Expert (two). I do hope he's going to Do Something about them.

Here's Archie this morning, snoozing in the sun after a wee bit of play time, waiting for something to happen. It did happen - 28,000 steps!

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