A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

Watercolor with Reflections

With all my talk and my insecurities about painting again, I thought this might help me to get started. This is a painting that I did about ten years ago and it's my favorite. It's about 28X28". I can't stop looking at it on some days. About five years ago I did a huge wall mural of a giant tulip that was similar to this in style and color. The mural was on the wall behind our bed in our California house. It got painted over while we were trying to sell it because our realtor thought it might be a bit much for potential buyers. That hurt. I'll pull up some photos of it and blip it one day.

Today my friend Sally is coming over to help me make soap. She's very interested in the chemical process - she also loves the finished product. Maybe she'll become a partner. I could use some help right now with labeling. I have about 120 bars ready to go and another 300 bars curing. I'm falling behind...when will I have time to paint?

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