
By flavia13


Emergency blip for today.   G is going back to Edinburgh tonight and I have been to the hairdressers this afternoon.

Almost late for appointment because on trying to enter the main car park in Grange, which goes down a steep hill and is the only way into the Car Park a large delivery lorry was parked right by the side of The Commodore Hotel, but not far enough into the right so stopping people getting down there.   There are two ways to join up with that hill and if you take the one where you need to turn left you couldn't get enough of a turn to get past.  You then have a steady stream of traffic going up a one way road the wrong way to find another place to park.  As I was coming in via the little road past Johnston's and therefore  had to turn right I could just about squeeze past by mounting the pavement and I only have a small car.

My husband has complained about this before but both the South Lakes District Council and NCP (National Car Parks) deny it is their responsibility!!!!!  The latter says it actually isn't part of the car park, even though it is the only entrance, the other says it is part of the highway and doesn't have yellow lines so anyone can park there whenever they want!!!! Just very frustrating and inconsiderate.

Anyway all this made me just a little late for my appointment but not too bad.

We will be leaving for Oxenholme about 5:15 to give us plenty of time to get up there at a busy time of the day.

Hope you've all had a lovely date.  Will see you all tomorrow.  I will catch upon your blips tomorrow.

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