Lena Meets Mr Christie

A frosty and calm morning, and sunny all day and night.  Sun still shining at 9pm.  It clouded over for a bit in the afternoon, and heard it was snowing out west.  A cold evening, calm and sunny, and think it'll freeze again tonight.

The day started with a school group visiting the museum, and I was doing the workshop.  A steady flow of visitors all morning, but a quieter afternoon.  I got plenty of photos worked with.  Been down to friend Stewart's this evening, and then along mam.  Me, mam and Sammy headed out for a walk, and seemed like the whole village was out enjoying the sunny evening.   Off to work in the pub later. 

It was Dunrossness school who came to visit the museum today, and they were doing Victorians as their topic.  Mr Christie was in full swing, and he's a really strict Victorian teacher.  He does look really similar to me, but I'm a nice person!  My niece Lena was attending today, and this was her first time meeting Mr Christie.  She giggled as she came to the front to try on some Victorian clothes, and get her photo taken with him.  Taken at the Shetland Museum, Hay's Dock, Lerwick.  

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