Fine May Days

A lovely day of sunshine, with it clouding over this evening.  Still fairly breezy, but a warmer wind.  Can hardly think there might be snow over the weekend!

Up early, and headed out into the garden after breakfast.  More washing out, and managed to get the lawn mowed.  Nipped down to help mam and dad on the croft this afternoon.  Laura and Elise also spoke over the fence.  Some more time in the garden this evening, and Brian and Madeline spoke over the fence.  A movie and settle down by the fire. 

I'm sure the weatherman had us down for a chilly, cloudy day, so the sunshine was gratefully received.  I think lockdown would have been much harder if we'd had out normal rubbish weather, or had it been in the middle of winter.  Days are getting longer, and summer is getting closer, and hoping for more sunny days.  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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