
By snailspace

Back to the 70s

Apologies for the dinner photo but this has been a busy day.

Yesterday I was making a Tuna salad. I boiled up the eggs and left them to cool. At tea time I laid up the plates with salad leaves, onion, tomatoes, avocado, olives and capers and I added a side of some French Beans that I had dressed the day before.  Then I stood there and said "I have forgotten something. What have I forgotten?" Nothing came to mind and I served up.

It was at bedtime that I spotted the pan of eggs...

How to use them up? Well, Mr L enjoys his Apero - so I made stuffed eggs. These are not exactly Devilled, though are bound with a very mustardy Mayonnaise and I introduced some (vegan) Bacon flavoured seasoning. I topped them with crispy fried onions and they were YUM!

The trip to the Impôt did not go well. On arrival at the Montmorillon office we found that they were having a Fermeture Exceptionelle. Interestingly whilst we sat and pondered this challenge, there was a perpetual stream of folk bringing their tax returns and looking either puzzled or furious. (The deadline is next week)

We may have been rash in committing our return to the post box rather than into an eagerly outstretched Human hand but 'tis done now.

I have been trying to avoid the details of our forthcoming trip so that all of my treats remain surprises but today we have moved into a new phase of planning an extended post-birthday return journey. Trains have been mentioned! and swimming pools!  and The Auvergne! and Nevers! and finally, potentially, Montrésor and a visit to Barapom! Can I have multiple splats on that one, please? BARAPOM !!!! (Yes, in that case, the Low Carb diet will be suspended for one glorious day)

I am becoming excited. Can you tell?

Laundry tasks have commenced and tomorrow I shall unbox the iron that I very rashly purchased last week. Will I be able to remember which end is the business end, I wonder and can I still recall how to erect an iron board (also newly-purchased).

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