Tennent's Bar

Woke up to blue skies and sunshine, clouded over this afternoon, and rain this evening. 

A really early start, up at 5.30am.  Finished the last of the packing, and big Brian ran us to the airport, and landed in Glasgow before 9am.  A morning looking around Glasgow, the sight seeing tour in the afternoon, along with some shopping.  Met up with nieces Megan and Eve, and also Andrew and Georgia.  Been out for a meal, and now a few drinks.

First time I've done the city sight seeing tour bus, and saw loads I've previously missed.  We stopped off at Byer's Road, and headed to the Tennent's bar for lunch.  This was the last female forbidden pub in Glasgow.  Women protested against it, and chained themselves to the interior within.  Women have been allowed in since 1971, and had a female manager ever since.  

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