Another foot path

Its my new obsession.

Foot paths!

I love finding them - especially the lovely wooden signs!

I took my neighbour and her Rescue GiGi (pronounced ChiChi) - Bella's best ever friend who she goes mad for even at the slightest mention of her name. I can't even say 'Cheeky Monkey' without Bella thinking I mean GiGi and going mad to see her!!!

Another neighbour up the road is a dog walker and posts her walks online and I'm always asking where she goes so she gives me all the hints and tips for a good walk.

We loved this one. Sunshine, fields, corn, streams, woodland, footpaths.

The only trouble was, Bella and GiGi ran about and played so much that they both ended up filthy so I had to bath Bella when we got home. She got a bit cold herself so Mr kindly wrapped her up in my dressing gown while I was in the shower. I came down to a little bundle on the sofa - see extra.

Daughter Number 1 then came over for the evening for a fish and chip dinner before she covered me in fake tan ready for a Wedding the next day!! Thank you Emily. I stink!!!

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