Rifle Falls

We drove to the trail head for Fish Creek Waterfall this morning and hiked back in to see it. Very impressive at 280 feet tall & it was really roaring, but I didn't like any of the pictures I took as we were shooting right into the sun. We returned to Steamboat Springs and walked along the river-walk which follows the Yampa River, and when we'd gone as far as we wanted we turned up the block to where the shops were & I picked up a "soovie" for Jennie, as I'd already covered Tom and Mae! Filled up the tank and headed for Rifle State Park and Rifle waterfalls (of which there are actually three of them falling next to each other). Nowhere near as large as Fish Creek, but they were in such a beautiful setting & were gorgeous as they cascaded down! We could walk up and in behind it, so we did that, which was a fun, different perspective. We could have gone up even higher and walked out onto a metal platform above them, but it was all open grating and no one could pay me enough to make me want to do that!! We're staying in the city of Rifle, Co. tonight, and just got back from dinner. 5th episode of Game of Thrones is on tonight!!!!  Hope all of you that are mothers, grandmothers, mother figures, etc. all had a great Mother's Day!  :)))

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