A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

House Sparrow.. or is it Garden/Bush/Tree Sparrow?

I've noticed a choir of House Sparrows that flock in & around the bushes in the gardens of our flat & our neighbours, & in true blip form, my blip-senses were tingling when I first saw them..

So here's one chap, one of twenty or more who were playing in the gardens & trees today, couched on a branch, awaiting me as I returned form a wander round the shops for a few last minute gifts.

Jenny took off this morning, Allendale, Northumberland, bound to stay with her parents for Christmas & the New Year (the celebretion for which I'm looking forward to swooping my way up to join them for).

After Monkey & me had waved off Jen, I spent the rest of the day sorting bits in the flat, braving the moderate mayem of town & the end-of-the-world type hysteria of Sainsbury's, & in the evening, I watched Scrooged with Bill Murray. It's a bit of an odd one, an adaptation of Charles Dickens Christmas Carol (which I'm sure you realised way before I did), & that makes two in two with The Muppet Christmas Carol last night, but it's festive & quite funny, so i'm happy.

Just one more day of work on Christmas Eve tomorrow before a week off - Woop! It's going to be the first time I've worked a full time job right up to Christmas Eve, (priviliged moi!?.. no, I've just been hiding from the real world for the last 4 years at University & College) but with any luck, we might have earned ourselves a half day, which would be bliss!

Two more sleeps.. Merry Christmas Eve Eve.

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