... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

Indoor Blip: Swaying Shapes and Shadows

Wavier in large.

I was going to upload a "re-emerging" pic. after my blip silence, but decided to go with the more showy shot... Suffering from a strange dizzying bug, so didn't get my camera further than the flowers at home.

I've been in Spain with my parents for 10 days, so will be back blipping those entries once I've tackled The Sort. Gawd, on the second day away I discovered that my Nikon battery charger had died in transit, so I only had one battery cycle for the dSLR (until a replacement charger arrived on our penultimate day). V. frustrating, but it was lucky that I'd taken the competent little Canon too...

Others here (or right from Emerging)

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