Summer Weather

Warm and sunny weather again, but this time it felt very much like summer.  We took out the summer table, ate breakfast outside, worked on the garden a little, and then took our bikes and went for a ride.
Later I cycled along an old road/track through the forest and near the end of the forest track I found an old cabin with some overgrown fields around it. I suspect it was a sheiling, a summer pasture, but perhaps it was a permanent dwelling many years ago.  About 75 metres away was a collapsing shed and earth closet, which I photographed for the extra.
I always have mixed feelings when I see such places. It takes so much work to clear the forest, and construct the buildings and it is sad to see all that work falling apart. On the other hand the people who did this work, and then lived there, were so very poor, and worked incredibly hard for very little reward. So it is good to see people no longer need to live like that. As I said, I have mixed feelings.
No mixed feelings about the day though - it was lovely!
This is a one day late backblip. Today's blip is here.

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