Fly or Bee

I was at the studio just after 6 a.m. today - and spent almost 4 hours picking and packing the remaining orders. Then I had to take the parcels to the post office - and I left them there for the clerk to process ‘as and when’ (basically between customers). Then home for some breakfast (bacon roll) and a shower. Washing machine loaded…

Then I went shopping (we had no fresh food left in the house after the weekend away).

Back home - hung out the washing and put some more in. Took Finlay for a walk - it was a bit warm for him but he hadn’t been out in the morning and was a bit restless. Spotted this insect on some cow parsley, my initial though was ‘bee’ - but I have been caught out before with my ID skills.

More washing out to dry and another load in…

I now have a pile of fabric to sort out into packs - ready to fulfil the ‘extra’ orders that were taken over the weekend. Hopefully we can get them all despatched on Wednesday.

My back and sciatica are slowly improving. Back pain gone, calf pain reduced and I am slightly less ‘hobbly’, but, slightly worryingly, my leg is still ‘numb’. If you have ever had local anaesthetic at the dentist then it is like that - but covering my whole leg.

I have managed a quick scan of blip journals - but commenting has been a bit limited!

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