Living Sadly

Many Mouranenses live sadly, remembering better times...

This is the back of the old petrol station and café, that used to be on the main road into town; since the Lake and the new bridge, a road to nowhere. The shadow is of an old sanctuary, but the saint is no longer there; it belonged to a very rich man from Reguengos who kept his horses there, but had no children. Before the petrol station, the square was a place the local kids would gather to play. All wrecked now. So an elderly lady told me when I asked about the sanctuary.

- the air conditioner that was installed today by a Moldavian. (Knew almost nothing about Moldova, so looked it up. Poorest country in Europe and a huge percentage live abroad.) So grateful to know we'll have relief from the heat if we need it, and the cold, actually, though will have to be very careful in the winter
- that our solar electricity appears to cope with the air conditioner, Mike was concerned it wouldn't
- living with hope for a better future 

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