
Out for a meet up with the son, first time for an age, and given that his birthday was a week back, I generously bought him an ice cream. And one for myself too, equally generously.
Then out to spin about getting supplies such as tile adhesive and grout. I have a job to do. Unlike many British Steel workers who maybe no longer have a job to do. Plenty twittery traffic saying Brexit is to blame; like BS was going from strength to strength before Brexit? That’s why it was sold for a pound a couple of years back I suppose, Alistair Campbell. Where did that Forth Bridge Steel come from?
Honestly, remainers (of which I’m one) can drive me nuts. And don’t get me started on that oh so hilarious milkshaking.
Still, much hilarious chatter later. And a very modest number of pints. We’re clearly out of practice.

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