Roses round the Door- Ain’t Life Grand!

I’ve had an interesting morning looking round the walled garden of Gordon Castle in Fochabers. It is one of the oldest and biggest walled garden in Britain and in it is , yes you have guessed it, a café which saved us from hypothermia. It was 7° cold, which is abysmal for the end of May, but the scone and fruit loaf brought the blood back to our fingers and faces

The afternoon was a wander round the delights of the shops in Elgin town centre unencumbered by shopping or the children who are old enough now to know better than to shop with their mother and grandmother

Now we are waiting for son#1 to come home from work to cook us pizzas on an outside wood fired pizza oven. see extra Ain’t life grand? It makes up for missing my TGIF meet up with my neighbours for that preprandial consumption of alcohol which is so welcome at the end of the week. They have kindly sent me a message and photo of themselves in my absence.

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