Finding Peace

on a quiet day at The Ammerdown Centre near Bath!  I glanced up and there was a Cross in the trees, quite appropriate I thought :)

(more in my new Facebook page JakiHolleyPhotography
Please apply to be a member if you like)

My friend J picked me up at 8am and we drove there, but unfortunately hit very heavy traffic in Bath at 9am, so we arrived a bit late, but they didn't mind.  

It was a lovely small group of 9 of us including the two leaders and its a very small world as I recognised one of the other attendees but couldn't remember his name!   He remembered both of us from our very first Foot steps (Christian Study) course back in 2009/2010 ;)

An introduction to ''The Good Shepherd' from John Chapter 10, then I was surprised to discover they have a large craft room and we had all day to work in there if we wanted to :)  We gathered together again, then we were free to do a prayer walk in the extensive grounds until lunchtime :)

After lunch, another teaching/prayer session followed by time to do what we wanted.  I headed back to the craft room :)

On the way home the satnav took us via Stonehenge and I managed a shot through the car window (extra) :)

As it was friend J's Birthday today, I took her to Pizza Hut on the way back to mine.  

We are both stuffed now and she is driving back to Chipping Norton!

Happy Saturday folks :)

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