The Way In

Another super day with too much to photograph! We spent last night on a 'wild camp' (ie no hook up or facilities) and woke up to torrential rain. The day, however, has turned out well with variable light conditions and high winds but no rain.

We have travelled from Kielder forest and are now near Hartlepool on our way south. We stopped at three different English Heritage properties which were all interesting in contrasting ways.

The first, Black Middens Bastle House, was a fortified farm house right on the former confrontation line between Scotland and England. Then onto another strong farmhold, Aydon Castle, much larger than the first one and had stayed in use by tennant farmers until 1966.

Our last call was to Tynemouth Priory and Castle. I would challenge any invader to conquer that in its heyday. My blip shows the handle to a delightful door of the small chapel and an extra of the remains of the west end of the abbey.

We continue south tomorrow.

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