Popeye is 27years old today...

His mother was my black cat Amethyst.
She had him on a pile of my paper photographs which I kept in an old open ice cream box...and the photos were not retrievable....

She had two kittens, another identical to Popeye, but the other kitten had died. It was absolutely beautiful and perfect in every way. I still remember holding it and stroking it. I can still feel its fur now and holding its tiny paws.

Given the amount of scrapes and escapades Popeye has got up to in his life, I think Popeye was bestowed with his sibling's 9 lives as well.

Popeye still climbs trees, chases enemy tom cats, wins every caterwauling stand offs, and goes off to a mystery evening assignation after he has checked I have got into bed at night.

I am not well today, got a bug and cough of some sort. Popeye is now sharing my electric blanket. He is delighted I have put it back on.

However, I don't think we will be getting up to any wild parties today. But I did manage to cook some bacon for him. So a bacon birthday cake!

I've discovered chocolate soothes a cough more than cough sweets....

Take care x

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