A Mouthful of Dragons

This immature Red-Winged Blackbird managed to capture two dragonflies at one time and then seemed to not know what to do with them.  It sat for the longest time and finally flew away.
It is better in Large.

I had a wonderful morning at Hughes Hollow. It was sunny, warm with a nice breeze and the place was alive with insects and birds.  I always have my binoculars with me in the car, but most days, I leave them there as I usually have two cameras and a camera bag, and that seems to be enough to carry.  Today I took them with me and I would have never found the Green Heron if I hadn't had them.  I have loaded the heron  and a muskrat into the extras and a shot of a dragonfly on a flower for Flower Friday.  

Wishing everyone a great weekend. 

Anni, see the extras, please.  

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