Crepe Myrtle Bonsai.....

This is another bonsai I brought home that is the result of air layering, is about 5 or 6 years old,  approximately 13-16" tall.  This tree has been brought along for several summers now.  The branching is thickening up this summer.  I have decided to let it grow, to feed it's branching and the trunk.  In deciding to let it grow, I have also clipped all of the flowers.  When a plant plowers, it wants to reproduce.  The  flowering draws almost all of the energy from the tree and it's leaves (the sugar factories).  By preempting that cycle, the tree then concentrates on growing the trunk and branching.  It is part of the process of creating the look of age which is one of the  main components of creating a bonsai.
     I can see that this tree is going to do really well this summer and growing season.

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