Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Never Insult a 2nd Grader!

I exited my last morning class at about 12:45, walked across the campus to meet a student in the lab, approached the elevator in the library lobby to get me and my "rolling" cart down to the first floor when I bumped into this nicely dressed young guy with several briefcases who was waiting for the elevator. So I jokingly thanked him for ordering the elevator for me. As we rode it to the lower level I asked if he was the book buyer that was on our campus today. He said, "No!" Then explained that he works for "Apple" and was on campus to make a presentation to the faculty and invited me to attend.

Thirty minutes later I was watching and listening as the "Apple" guy explained and demonstrated with his PowerPoint and video clips that our students can be our best resource for updating and improving our online courses. He told us that recently he sat next to a second grader while flying home from the Bay area. Said he chided the little guy about the class making popcorn trees, so the second grader proceeded to explain that he was currently working on creating a documentary on "Life as a Second Grader." The "Apple" guy gave us lots to think about.

Then I went to the CIS lab to work with a technology trainer who gave me some tips for my online hybrid course. Then it was time to head for home.

Mr. Fun & I had a delicious dinner at "Spaghetti Eddie's" in Rancho Cucamonga and now here on the West Coast of the U.S. this Thursday is coming to a close. Good night.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), Carol

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