Just a girl, a dog and her guitar

Cousteau lying by my feet and my guitar. What better ingredients for a pleasant evening?

We had staff drinks after work tonight. Everyone seemed relieved and let their hair down a bit. Done and dusted by 5. Sometimes it's great to work in a school. :)

Not sure what this evening holds for me and my hound. I should really take him for a stroll so I'll do that as soon as I've finished this.

I've just realised that my nails are ridiculously long for guitar playing. Must dig out a nail file. I remember having to feverishly bite them down for my violin lessons as a child. We all used to stand outside our teacher's door, checking our nail length. She was a bit of a dragon and we were all scared of her. I once got a Distinction in an exam. Everyone else got a Merit or a Credit. When my Distinction was announced, I thought it meant 'Extinction' and I was terrified. Ah, those were the days!

Strange thoughts that go through you head sometimes, eh?

So, anyway. Friday night. Dog by my side and guitar leaning against the desk. I'm working on another song. Really must get my A into G and record that CD.

BTW - I did think of black and whiting this photo but I like the colour of my shirt so much that I decided to keep it bright on this grey Friday.

Happy weekend to one and all.

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