Eastern Pondhawk

I absolutely love this Dragon's name! 'Pondhawk'! I mean what could be a more perfect name for these tiny, winged predators?! On a quiet day when there are gnats or mosquitos above the pond, I can actually hear their jaws snapping their prey! This green Pondhawk is a female, the males are Blue.

Thank you all so very much for your kind words and love yesterday. I realize that there is no way I'll be able to thank you individually, so this paltry paragraph will have to suffice. Your words have uplifted and encouraged me to continue with this Blipful adventure. What fun, being able to 'touch base' so to speak with wonderful folks worldwide each and every day (or not, as the spirit moves one)! Blipfoto continues to remind me that it's important to live life fully, one day at a time!  :)

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