Back Then

Day 4. I am almost at the point of screaming out loud. I am losing the will to live. 

If it were just about me, I would have gone back to work today. However, I was coughing and sneezing a lot first thing in the morning and did not feel I should impose that on my colleagues. I will not be infectious anymore, but they would not know that, and it would be unpleasant  anyway.

I have felt myself getting stronger all day, so I can be positive about Friday - when I don’t work anyway, and usually look forward to sitting around the house after 4 days in the office. 

The weather suddenly remembered it is June, and the sun appeared. The temperature went through the roof too. 14⁰c.

Well, it is better than 12⁰c. 

Junior was in and out as he prepares for his departure on Sunday. It brings back a lot of old memories for me, having spent so much time in that part of the USA when I was his age. I we had friends who owned a cabin on Lake George and that is very close to the camp he will be working in, so although I never visited that part of New York, I have heard a lot about it. 


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