Plus ça change...

By SooB

Mr B's huge organ

A while ago Mr B was clearing out an old church in Fife, and couldn't find anyone who wanted to buy this organ. Admittedly the pipes that came with it would make it impractical for your average house... He kept this console part of it and has now set himself a project of turning it into a desk. It has a roll top and is really beautiful wood (which somehow just looks a bit cheap and rubbishy in this shot) so should be lovely if it ever gets... err, I mean WHEN it's finished. So today we hired a van and took along a big strong friend to help get it home from the lock-up in Haddington.

As predicted by a certain very smart lady (I mean me, in case that wasn't clear) it was too big to fit through the front door of our house, so Mr B and friend proceeded to demolish it and carry it in bit by bit. Still, the house may look like a joinery workshop, but I think it'll give me lots of blip opportunities for obscure organ parts.

We also got rid of Mr B's old piano - the one he learned on and which has been languishing in the lock up for the past year. I put it on Freecycle, and it's gone to a good home with four musical kids. Moving it to its new home seems to have put Mr B's back out though - that's what you get for doing someone a favour.

There are more shots of Mr B's organ here if you're interested and if I hear any sniggering at the back there I'll tell your mums.

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