D-Day Mines


Laid very low by norovirus. I managed to haul myself round the field to take Ollie dog, who is being very understanding, for a walk. I could hardly bear the weight of my camera on my shoulder. 

We saw Brock's back as he scurried through the long grass. I've always seen badgers from the front or the side before but from behind it's very obvious how the phrase 'grey as a badger' originated.  I was too weak to get a decent shot.

My only other shot was this large leaf, possibly a young burdock, riddled with mines. I've converted it to mono to try to make a very boring shot a bit more punchy. Definitely an emergency backblip. 

A very moving commemoration of D-Day seventy-five years on and poignant stories from the survivors of, in the words of the Queen, that resilient generation.

"They shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." 


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