
This morning I travelled down to the city to see if Olivia’s dress fits. Caught the 7.30 train which arrived at 11.20. On the way I knitted Zach a beni to match his scarf. At least I got something productive done on the journey.

When I arrived I found Central Station buzzing with more people than I’ve ever seen there. They had some sort of function with old forms of transport with steam trains and this old bus I saw in the car park. They had musicians in period costume, a blippers paradise but Cathy was waiting for me in the car park and I couldn’t linger.

Dress fitting....well it was a bit too tight unfortunately. So I spent the next hour unpicking seams and redoing them by hand, not the most professional finish but only I will know. Now everyone is happy and Olivia looks beautiful in it.

This afternoon we went for a walk in the park across the road. It was dog central with all shapes and sizes of hounds racing around having fun. Here are some shots looking towards the famous scenes people would recognise including the Bridge and Opera House. I’m travelling home first thing in the morning so no time to catch up with the other Sydney folk this trip. It is much warmer here than at home so I did enjoy the mild winters day.

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