Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I am so grateful to have a buggy garden on days like today.  It was suddenly late afternoon and I didn't have a blip and I wasn't having any luck with the birds either.  So, into the house for the macro lens, out to the garden, and - presto - loads of Variable Dancer damselflies just itching to be photographed.  These tiny flyers are abundant in our gardens every summer and usually quite willing to pose.  

Busy, fun day starting with sleeping in (in the bliss of air conditioning), then a nice chat with Mom and Dad who are back in their condo in Oregon, then lunch with bestie Ellen, back home to help get MIL into the house, a little deck time...and now dinner lovingly prepared by Hubs.  Doesn't get a whole lot better than that.

The duo of blue jays were begging peanuts this afternoon, along with Xena and several other chipmunks.  I got one of the blue jays to take peanuts from right next to my hand.  It's only a matter of time, now...

Okay, that's a wrap for today.  Another busy day tomorrow.  I heard fledgling woodpeckers up in the hickory trees today so stay tuned for the first baby shots of the season soon!


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