Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I'm giving steam punk a try in my mixed media book. Not sure how it will end up, but so far, so good. I have a thicker stencil to make the faint pattern background. It should be used with moulding paste, I think, but since I haven't gotten that yet I try with Gesso. It has to dry until I do something else. I'm using the laser cut details, some other details and finally a silver sparkling coloured mist. Steam punk is usually rust and coppery tones, but I wanted to try my own version. To be continued...  :)
In the gym today, I challenged myself and did part of my workout in the free weights area of the main room. I did an hour workout and my back thanked me. I think I'm going to be doing some weeding tomorrow, if the weather lets me. :)
Yesterday when I came home, I had an experience that touched me... I saw a little bumblebee on the ground, by the wall...on the cold concrete. It looked both tired and a bit scared. I used an envelope and managed to persuade it to climb up on it. Then I carried it to the low hedge outside my patio and when the little bumblebee noticed the flowers it eagerly climbed on top of one and happily started looking for nectar. I left it there, as it moved from one flower to the next. Such gorgeous little creature! :) 

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