The New Kid in the Bowl

I did a major cleanup of the goldfish bowl yesterday, it looked great but the shock must have been too much for our comet and it burnt itself out. Well, actually it just nestled into the Java moss and stayed there, unknownst to me breathing its last. I was a bit distraught this morning when I found it and had to do the toilet flush ceremony but couldn't have the other fish getting lonely and nipped straight out to select a replacement. I should probably have examined the survivor a bit more closely because our new comet looks just like it! Think I'll call it Hayley.

Out tonight to the Tiq where there was a big turnout to meet up with Shugs, over from Jo'burg to enjoy some fine summer weather. Scoffed a guacamole-bacon-burger for my tea; it was great and soaked up that extra pint nicely!

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