Mon Si Noos Moh?

I singularly failed to take a decent photo today, so here's a little drawing I finished instead. I'm contemplating a set of prints, 'Famous Names in the Occult', along the lines of Peter Blake's circus pictures or Luke Haines' paintings of wrestlers - like the PG tips cards my nan used to save for me...

Today's title's not a chant to Cthulu or anything, though, if you were wondering. Beck pointed out to me how you can still read the title of the book I'm reading if you leave it upside down ( have to capitalise it, mind, I'm cheating a bit.) It serves to remind me how I've still got 30 pages of 'Retromania' to read and 20 of Michel Houellebecq's book 'H.P. Lovecraft: Against the World, Against Life' (coincidently) that I should really try and get through before 2013...

At least I've finished my album chart...

#1: 'Europe' by Allo Darlin'

I may have already mentioned how much I like this band, despite the terrible name. Maybe I'm just a classicist at heart but there's so much sheer joy of life in this set of fresh, clear, pop songs about people and places old and new and how the two affect each other. And it's all so effortless that I almost bumped it down a few places, I think, just because it already sounds so much like a worn old favourite - think, Liz's own beloved 'Talulah', Big Star's 'Radio City', 'Diamond Mine', '1972' by Josh Rouse, Another Sunny Day: the kind of albums that you can always rely on to restore your faith in the power of popular music.

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