
By SilverImages

Sleat peninsula and mainland beyond

"There are two seasons in Scotland: June and Winter."
Billy Connolly

Fortunately for us we arrived on Skye in June then, because it was spectacular and hot!. The approach by ferry from Oban promised so much of the landscape to come, with the Cuillins rearing up out of the sea haze as we made the crossing. We landed at Armadale and drove up the Sleat peninsula, enjoying the landscape on all sides; mountains to the west, moors to the north and the loch to the east. The east coast road from Broadford to Portree was jam-packed with photo-opportunities and inspiring vistas, just such a pleasure to drive. We were lucky and had a last-minute booking in Portree, within walking distance of the town. Even so we found it was very popular and restaurants were fully booked, fortunately there was still space at the Indian restaurant when we arrived (it soon filled up). Our late evening stroll around was rewarded with a stunning view across the loch to the Cuillins in the distance as the sun dipped below the horizon - I'd forgotten we got extra hours of sunlight up here in the summer!

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