A trip to the zoo

I was out today with the U3A photo group on a trip to Paignton Zoo.   I wasn't sure if I would enjoy having not visited their for about 20 years but I soon got into the swing of things.  Its quite a good zoo in that there is a lot of greenery and space and we were soon mesmerised by the Bamboons on their large rocky home, this I did remember from before.  We watched as the Lemurs were released and walked past us to quickly climb up into the tree tops.  The Gorillas feeding amongst the shrubbery was great to see but it was the Gorilla sitting in a very Budha like pose that caught my attention.  The Pelican feeding time was rather a frenzy with the Gulls diving in and out trying to catch the fish, but the Pelicans having such an advantage in the size of their mouth.

A very warm and humid day with the sun coming out early afternoon.  Such a busy day with lots of photos just a pity my usual camera is not back from repair yet.

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