Farewell Flowers

Today was my last day at work, and I now know that I made the right decision to look for something else, as it appears they've sold the building to someone who rents out rooms to the medical profession, but doesn't provide reception facilities.  This means there won't be jobs for any of my colleagues, apart from the physiotherapists who will be able to rent room space if they wish to stay working for themselves.

I've been very spoilt and have received two bouquet's of flowers and two bottles of prosecco, amongst various farewell gifts.

After work I went to Chris' to have my hair cut, and after dinner tonight, I mentioned to Xena that I was thinking of going out to try and get some sunset pics, and she said she'd like to come with me.  So as soon as she'd finished her homework, we set off - I'd decided to drive to Shoreham as I wanted to see the memorial that's been created for those that lost their lives in the Shoreham air crash.   However, the sunset came to nothing, so I'll save the memorial for another day, so instead you have some of my farewell flowers.

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