Parks Lane

I enjoyed a wonderful blipmeet last night with PaulFS, Sgwarnog, YearofHappy, Wendles56 and Jeanneb53, celebrating her 1000th blip that very day. Quite remarkably, Wendy (Jeanie's blip mum) is celebrating her 3 year blip birthday today. Congratulations to you both. What stars you are. Because I'm a bit nerdy when it comes to numbers I've done a quick calculation and worked out that as we sat around the table last night we had posted no less than 4,708 blips between the six of us, with none of us having missed a day since starting.

Rain of Biblical proportions is falling on this country at the moment. I've been saying to people for weeks that I've never known the moor to be as wet as it is right now. Well, statistics seem to bear that out. This year is now officially the wettest in England since records began, and that is following a dry January and February and a positively balmy March. A few days ago the forecast for today suggested a bit of sunshine but that prospect didn't last long. It's rained pretty much all day today and is set to do the same tomorrow and Monday too.

I took a run at lunchtime, to the north side of the town for a change, up Curly Hill, through Middleton Woods and up Parks Lane, looping back via Hunger Hill. There's water everywhere. This is taken from near the top of Parks Lane looking back down towards Ilkley. It was all a bit bleak today but nonetheless beautiful to my mind.

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